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John Willems

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Destelbergen (EU)


The cover image is made by photographer John Willems (Belgium - Europe) for the book "Only a God can save us" - USA - The Humanities.
John, artfully represents the overwhelming dominance of technology over the human essence and its utter exclusion of Nature.


The basic image of “CityScene” was selected for the book cover “Only a God can save us”.
Publisher : The Humanities (USA) – Author : J. Henk Van Leeuwen, Philosopher Australia.


“In a time when scientists are constantly warning of environmental disasters,
it is inspiring to read a book that engages with the troubles of our times in a
spiritually uplifting and poetically inspiring fashion. One cannot read this book
and fail to be moved. It will take you into the depths of philosophical
reflection and on to the heights of active commitment.”

Stan van Hooft, Associate Professor, Deakin University, Melbourne.

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2. Juni 2009 112 Pro / 63 Contra

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