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Crisi?...Yes, in medical care.

Crisi?...Yes, in medical care.

29.400 223

Vitória Castelo Santos

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Lisboa

Crisi?...Yes, in medical care.

This young lady has serious knee problems and high weight..

«Variare spesso i cibi che scegli e seguire uno stile di vita fisicamente attiva ti aiuta ad avere una vita sana»

"Changing often the foods that you choose and follow a physically active lifestyle helps you to have a healthy life»

"Varier souvent les aliments que vous choisissez et suivre un mode de vie physiquement actif vous aide à avoir une vie saine»

Caparica summer 2013

Kommentare 223


Ordner Persone
Views 29.400


Kamera FinePix S5000
Objektiv ---
Blende 5
Belichtungszeit 1/420
Brennweite 34.5 mm
ISO 160

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